How to get your career started as a new graduate

graduates throwing hats into the air

Are you looking forward to graduating from your uni soon? Having the jitters about your first full-time job opportunity? Wondering how to find that perfect job position? In this article, we'll be providing you with some tips on how to get your career started as a new graduate.

Maybe you're currently in your final semester of academic pursuit, looking ahead and worrying about locking in that dream job of yours. Or maybe you've already graduated and are feeling apprehensive about the uncertainty you see lying in front of you.

Whichever situation you find yourself in, remember that this anxiety will eventually pass. We hope that some of the tips we're about to share will help to put some of your pressing concerns to rest.

A word of caution before we delve into the advice though: this piece is just a guide and shouldn't be read as a comprehensive or exhaustive list of advice when it comes to securing a job opportunity, especially if it's your first one. The best way to find out what may work for you would be by doing your own research.

Browsing through this article could function as the first step you take into exploring different ways as to how you can begin your career as a fresh graduate.

How to get your career started as a new graduate

  1. Find out who's hiring

    Sure, you've been looking at that vacancy within that particular company for a long time now. But, just as you're graduating, that position has been filled. Now, you're stuck with your second-best option and wondering if there are any other spaces that could get bumped up to your list of top five companies to work at.

    If so, one of the best ways to find the right job is to keep track of which companies may be hiring. This can be done by setting alerts or notifications on LinkedIn, attending career fairs, or tapping into your previous professional networks to browse through suggestions.

    Actively monitor some of the companies that tend to open up vacancies within their firms during a specific window. This will allow you the opportunity to submit your applications accordingly.

    So, find out who's hiring and when they tend to do so. That way, you'll be ready to dive in for your chance!

  2. Plan out your professional road map

    Planning out your professional road map is yet another step you can take to help yourself on the journey to finding the right job. This tactic can help to provide you with a bigger picture and even offer you a glimpse into where or how to get started!

    One way to start planning your professional road map is by considering your own interests and asking yourself where that particular career path will lead you in the future.

    Imagine being five years from when you join – does the job promise you enough room to grow? Does the idea of a promotion to a senior position at that firm, or within that specific industry, align with your future goals on a personal level?

    Essentially, planning out a professional road map is all about asking yourself what your passion(s) are and where you see yourself going with it, in both the short and long term. That's one way to get your career started as a new graduate.

    After all, it will give you a better sense of direction, career-wise!

  3. Match your identity to the job opportunity

    The third way you can kickstart your career as a new graduate is by ensuring that you match your identity to each job opportunity that you find yourself interested in.

    The right job will always call out to you. You can identify the perfect job opportunity by reflecting on your personality, passions and existing skill set and connecting them to the advertised job position.

    It is important that you feel some form of connection or interest in your full-time job, as you'll be spending the bulk of your day-to-day life doing it.

    Therefore, it's important that you identify with the job opportunity on a personal level.  This is yet another strategy to help you get your career started as a new graduate.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways for new graduates to get their careers started. With many universities offering career-coaching assistance, fresh grads can also tap into this resource to learn more about themselves, as well as the current job market performances and available work opportunities.

We hope the above list helps you in your job search process. And of course, while you're at it, you can always hop around job sites to check out what positions are open too!

This article was provided by GrabJobs.

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